
Maridl Innerhofer

Thousands of bottles
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
In 1961 the banging incidents occurred. They were called bangers and blew up telephone posts. So the tourists stopped coming. Until the banging was over I started to do handicrafts - all kinds of crafts and sold them in the souvenir shops. I made stupid little things. Dolls to put over wine bottles, with a dirndl, with braids and stuff like that. I employed people to help me with the sewing, because there was a boom then. People were buying these things, you know. Black poodles to put small schnapps bottles into. We made hundreds, thousands of these poodles until the tourists started coming again. Then we rented out rooms.There was a small apartment on the ground floor, next to the cellar we also rented that out. We basically rented out everything that we could.